Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So, this is my (pathetic? we'll see...) attempt at what the cool kids call "blogging." What's yer blog about, you ask? Well, I think it is mainly going to be about our voyage into home-ownership, and all the fun projects that come along with it. No one writes a manual on this stuff, and it's easy to become overwhelmed. The entire process of searching and buying a house is exhausting! I'm learning a lot from trial and error, talking to folks and endless internet-searching. So, I figured I'd share with the group, and document the miraculous (here's to hoping) transformation of our new diggs.

*Here's the deal - we are a little more than 2 weeks away from closing. So technically, the house is not ours yet... and on top of this, we are going back and forth with the sellers regarding things we want fixed per the inspection. The listing agent is kiiinda being a beeyotch. But we are hopeful that things will work out, and we can begin the transformation of a 1950's grandma house into our first home.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your venture. What fun it will be to take this house and make it yer own.
